Monday, October 27, 2014

It's Pumpkin Day in Mrs. Zook's Class!

Hello Everyone!

Today was pumpkin day in our classroom.  This week we are celebrating all things FALL!  We learned all about how pumpkins are grown and produced for communities just like ours!  Here is the video that we watched today that taught us a lot about pumpkin production!

We also learned about different size pumpkins.  Some are very small like the ones that are shown below, and some are very big!

The students were then given a pumpkin that came home with them today that they used for experiments.  They found our how much their pumpkin weighed, how tall their pumpkin was with unifix cubes, how round their pumpkin was with string, if it would sink or float, how many seeds they thought might be inside, and finally, how many lines it had.  These first grade experimenters were hard at work today.  I told them to see how many seeds really were inside when they get home, so get ready to count seeds ;)

Here are just a few shots of the class working hard to find out more about their pumpkins.  There is also a shot of each of the students with their very own pumpkin towards the end.  Enjoy!!

Does your pumpkin sink or float?

 How tall is your pumpkin?

 How round is your pumpkin?

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Community Field Trip

Our Community Field Trip to the Police Station, Fire Station, and Oregon Dairy was a blast!

Enjoy some of the fun pictures of us enjoying learning about our Community Helpers!

At the Police Station with Officer Weber

Learning about being a Police Officer

At our local Fire Department learning about fire safety

On our Oregon Dairy tour of the farm

Bill was our awesome tractor driver :)

Getting ready to check out the "Milking Parlor" at Oregon Dairy

The class made hats about their favorite worker in our community.  We had firemen, police officers, and farmers!

And of course...they had to have a silly picture ;)

Hope you enjoyed these pictures! Make sure to ask your child about what they learned about their community around them!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Trash-A-Thon and Word Building and Pictures Oh My!!

Hello Parents!

Here are just a couple of pictures that I was able to get of some of the class on Trash-A-Thon day and also during a short vowel word building activity with groups earlier in the week.  Enjoy taking a peek into the classroom and into Trash-A-Thon!  :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Exploring in Math!

Students began exploring with the math manipulatives last week and here are some of the products of their creations!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Reading in 1st Grade

We have been working hard this week in first grade!  Here are some fun shots of the students as they practiced "Reading with Someone" from books chosen from their book baskets and class library.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

First Week Back to School!

This has been a great week heading back to school here at LAMS!  The first graders have been adjusting well and have been doing lots of new and exciting things this first week in school.

This a photo of our first day back to school.  Thank you to all the parents that came for back to school night last evening.  I was glad to see you all there and I am very excited to work with you this school year.  I will be in contact with all parent volunteers soon about a schedule for the year to come in and help out in the class.

Please be sure to also send in your child's birthday treat form that was sent home in the green folder if you have not already done so.  Thank you so much, parents for your checking out the blog and for your dedication to staying involved in your child's needs at LAMS!

Mrs. Zook

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Welcome to the Blog!

Welcome Parents and Families of Mrs. Zook's 1st Grade Class!

Over the course of the year, there will be lots of news letters, upcoming events, important papers, and I'm sure, lots of questions that you will want answered about school!  This is a helpful tool to keep communication between home and school as open as possible!

I have created this blog to keep you posted and able to ask questions in an easy and quick format.  In addition to phone calls and regular email, you also have the option to find what you may be looking for on this blog or send a quick comment, question, etc. on the side bar to the right.

Along the left side of the blog you will find the copies of the beginning of the school year important papers.  I will occasionally during the year post photos, upcoming events, and important announcements on this blog so again, stay posted if possible!

If you find that you are not as internet savy, not to worry :)  I will always send hard copies of the important papers home with your child!  So you will not need to worry about missing something that is posted on this blog.  They only thing that will be posted on the blog that will not come home will be fun photos that I may post over the span of the school year.

I trust that this will be a fun communication tool to link both home and school!  This is just one more way that we can stay in touch!  Thank you and stay posted :)