Monday, October 27, 2014

It's Pumpkin Day in Mrs. Zook's Class!

Hello Everyone!

Today was pumpkin day in our classroom.  This week we are celebrating all things FALL!  We learned all about how pumpkins are grown and produced for communities just like ours!  Here is the video that we watched today that taught us a lot about pumpkin production!

We also learned about different size pumpkins.  Some are very small like the ones that are shown below, and some are very big!

The students were then given a pumpkin that came home with them today that they used for experiments.  They found our how much their pumpkin weighed, how tall their pumpkin was with unifix cubes, how round their pumpkin was with string, if it would sink or float, how many seeds they thought might be inside, and finally, how many lines it had.  These first grade experimenters were hard at work today.  I told them to see how many seeds really were inside when they get home, so get ready to count seeds ;)

Here are just a few shots of the class working hard to find out more about their pumpkins.  There is also a shot of each of the students with their very own pumpkin towards the end.  Enjoy!!

Does your pumpkin sink or float?

 How tall is your pumpkin?

 How round is your pumpkin?

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