Wednesday, December 30, 2015

It's Christmas Time in Fun Fridays!

During the Fun Friday class before Christmas break, the students created an activity about the birth of Jesus with a manger, baby Jesus, a stable, and some stars.

The students also were able to create special customized candle gifts for moms and dads for Christmas which they wrapped up here at school and took home for Christmas morning.  Hopefully they were able to keep the secret until then ;)  I know a lot of them were very excited and had a hard time keeping the gift a surprise!  Regardless, they turned out great and the students were very creative with their designs and had a great day learning about the real meaning of Christmas which is JESUS!

I hope that everyone had a great holiday season with family and friends and we will be back to school on January 8th!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year,
Mrs. Jennica Zook

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